Keystone Angels
Introducing a new angel group focused on attracting, connecting and educating the next generation of angel investors to support the success of high-growth entrepreneurs across the KC region.
The Keystone Community Corporation envisions fostering an entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Kansas City region that thrives on inclusivity, innovation, and dynamism. We aim to create a platform where diverse angel investors and high-growth startups converge, empowering the region with transformative economic opportunities. Guided by our commitment to equitable access to resources and capital, our goal is to catalyze a paradigm shift in the entrepreneurial landscape, driving sustainable economic growth and fortifying Kansas City as a nexus of vibrant entrepreneurship and technological advancement.
To create a more diverse and active angel network in the Kansas City region, fostering a vibrant and inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem that promotes greater innovation, economic growth, and access to capital for all entrepreneurs.
Increase access to capital for early-stage, high-growth and tech-enabled startups, with a distinct focus on serving historically-excluded populations of founders.
Stimulate economic growth and job creation through startup support and investments.
Increase both the overall number of angel investors and the diverse makeup of that angel group across the region.