Welcome to The CoLAB:
Where Innovation Takes Shape
A Collaborative Space for Community Programming, Keystone Sessions, and Creativity
What is an Innovation District
“Innovation districts are the ultimate mash up of anchor institutions, companies, start-ups, and ecosystem-building intermediaries in hyper-local geographies that leverage density, proximity, and accessibility. Districts actively advance a “collaborate to compete” agenda to solve some of our world’s most complex challenges.
Drawn together by transit, powered by clean energy, wired for digital technology, and fueled by caffeine, innovation districts are ambitious in their efforts to strengthen local and regional competitiveness, grow new jobs with living wages, create new firms, and strengthen inclusive growth and equity across the region.”
-Global Institute on Innovation Districts
Keystone Vision
Creating a vibrant neighborhood where innovators, educators and entrepreneurs can connect and collaborate to launch and grow new ventures, further research commercialization, attract and develop the workforce of the future, and create a more prosperous Kansas City through new and sustained connections.
Welcome to The CoLAB, Keystone's programming hub in the Crossroads District. Enjoy free work space, reliable WiFi, and the perfect space for meetings or hosting your next programming event. We are not a co-working space, in the traditional sense, however, we are home to several organizations and host select community partner programs. If you're interested to learn more, please reach out.